Friday, January 24, 2020

How is tension created in The tell tale hearts and The black cat? Essay

How is tension created in The tell tale hearts and The black cat? In this essay I am going to study the short stories ‘the black cat’ and ‘the tell tale heart’ written by famous writer Edgar Allen Poe and see how tension is created in the two tales. Both tales are written in a gothic horror genre and Poe’s intention for this was to chill and unsettle the reader, to make them anticipate what was going to happen next, as if it was really happening. Poe succeeds in doing this by the content of the tales, partly being the supernatural and the tension he creates, which plays a major role in both. He creates this tension by using several different techniques including plot, characterisation and many stylistic devices. One way that Poe creates tension is the plot of the story and where is it set. ‘The tell tale heart’ is set in the middle of nowhere and late at night, when it is dark outside. This automatically makes the reader uneasy, as nighttime and darkness is symbolic of dark and bad deeds. Poe mentions more than once that it is set ‘about midnight’ and that it is dark, ‘black as pitch’, he keeps reminding the reader of this, as he knows it is symbolic and the reader will be wary of this. Criminals will often act upon this time, as they are more likely to get away with the crime, as they cannot be seen as easily. People are most wary of little things, sounds and sights like shadows in the dark and will be on edge. Darkness and nighttime are famously scary and unsafe, portrayed in novels and films as when everything bad happens and now is the stereotypical view. The darkness seems like a disability, vision is not fully available, and the brain starts so wander as to if anything could be round the corner... his name. Both the stories were written more than 100 years ago, in 1843. They are so old that when they were written no other genre of story like it was around at the time. They were original for the time they were written and set the standard for future writers. Poe invented this new genre and his writing skills and techniques form scratch and were the first chilling, gothic horror stories ever written, which adds to the reason of why they are so effective. Because no one had ever read anything like it before, and in a scense the stories were ahead of the time because of the effect they had. Poe’s work is popular worldwide and still his stories of this genre appear chilling as they are written in a old style that is not used as much today, but this is effective and one knows that they would have had even more impact at the time they were written.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Nursing Information Expert Essay

Nursing is a profession within the health care sector that focuses on protecting and promoting health care. It involves prevention of illness, injury and treatment of human diseases. The nursing profession requires that information of patients should be kept and recorded in a manner that can allow for proper review of patients. Some of the tasks that a nursing information expert is charged with include communicating and coordinating care with all other clinical disciplines, coordinating discharge planning, education and teaching transitions of care. They are also tasked with managing all information related to the nursing process and patient care delivery. According to (Gassert’s, 1996), some of the roles of a nursing information expert include administration, leadership and management, analysis, consultation and research evaluation. These roles require that the nursing information expert should be very good in information keeping and analysis. Professional nurses use information and data in everyday practice not only to add value to various health organizations but also to improve them. Some of the ways in which professional nurses use information and data to improve outcome include analyzing clinical and financial data, promoting and facilitating access to resources and references, providing content to standardized languages and improving relationships between providers and recipients of health care (Clifford, 2001). Technology is the collection of tools such as machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans to foster their daily activities in various fields. There has been a tremendous growth in technology in the healthcare sector. (Henneman, 2010) states that technology in the acute and critical care setting is typically equated with devices such as bedside monitors, computerized provider order entry (CPOE), bar-coding devices, mechanical ventilators, dialysis machines, point-of-care testing, ventricular assist devices, and computerized information systems. The type of technology therefore required for the care of each individual patient is very crucial to the recovery and the health of a patient. The analysis of information and data has been made very easy for the nurses through the technology that has impacted very positively in the health sector. It is the combination of technology and handling of information that has brought about the reduction in mortality rates in various health organizations. References Clifford, C. &. (2001). Pre- and post-test evaluation of a project to facilitate research. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Gassert’s, P. a. (1996). Information Management in Nursing and Health Care. Standards of practice and preparation for certification., 280-287. Henneman, E. A. (2010). Patient Safety and Technology. Patient Safety and Technology.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What French Prepositions Go With Countries, Continents

When trying to determine which French preposition to use with the French name for a country or continent, the only difficulty is determining the  gender  of that name. Here are some sources and guidelines. Countries To learn the gender of a country, look up the French name on our master list  of all countries in the world. Youll notice that nearly all countries that end in e are feminine, and the rest are masculine.   There are just a few exceptions: le Belizele Cambodgele Mexiquele Mozambiquele Zaà ¯rele Zimbabwe You will be applying the right prepositions to a vast array of countries. So how many countries are there in the world?  National Geographic says that at last count, there were 195 independent countries; how we define a country depends on a complex underpinning of delicate politics and international relations. But United Nations membership guides us. The 195 total includes the 193 member states of the United Nations and two states with nonmember observer status: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. The 195 total does not include: Taiwan (the Peoples Republic of China was declared the true political China in 1971, and so Taiwan lost its status then),  the Cook Islands  and  Niue  (states in free association with New Zealand  that are neither member states nor nonmember observer states),  dependencies  (or dependent territories, dependent areas), autonomous territories, and  other countries  that the United Nations does not recognize as self-governing. Continents The French names of all continents end in e, and all are feminine. In French, there are five major continents, which include:  l’Afrique,  l’Amà ©rique,  l’Asie, lEurope, and lOcà ©anie, on which the five rings of the Olympic  flag are based.  But they become seven if you add lAntarctique  and if you count deux (two)  Amà ©riques, according to lEncyclopà ©die Larousse. National Geographic differs. Heres how there could be seven, six, or five continents: By convention, there are seven continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and Antarctica. Some geographers list only six continents, combining Europe and Asia into Eurasia. In parts of the world, students learn that there are just five continents: Eurasia, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and the Americas.To some geographers, however, continent is not just a physical term; it also carries cultural connotations. For example, Europe and Asia are physically part of the same landmass, but the two areas are culturally diverse. (That is, the various cultural groups in Asia have more in common with one another than with those of Europe.)Oceania is the collective name for the lands of the Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Oceania is a convenient way to name these areas, which, with the exception of Australia, are not part of any continent. But Oceania itself is not a continent. Find the Gender and Then the Preposition Back to finding the right preposition for these subdivisions on a globe of the world. Once you know the gender, it is a simple matter of deciding which preposition to use. Note, however, that Islands  follow their own rules, so youll have to look up the French name for each in a French dictionary or encyclopedia to determine its gender and number. Fidji, for instance, is masculine and plural to reflect the 333 tropical islands in its group. These are the correct prepositions according to gender and number: Masculine and plural countries:  Ãƒ  Ã‚  or  de,  plus the appropriate  definite article.Except: masculine countries that begin with a vowel, which take  en  to mean to or in  and  d  to mean from.Feminine countries and continents: en  or  de  with no article. Table of Prepositions for Countries and Continents Country is: To or In From masculine and starts with consonant au du masculine and starts with vowel en d feminine en de / d plural aux des Examples Masculine country Feminine country Plural country Continent Je vais au Togo. Elle va en Chine. Il va aux Fidji. Tu vas en Asie. Je suis au Togo. Elle est en Chine. Il est aux Fidji. Tu es en Asie. Je suis du Togo. Elle est de Chine. Il est des Fidji. Tu es dAsie.